Helping you to help others.

OPP OF THE DAY: Telephone Befriender, Beacon Centre for the Blind

Are you able to help change someone’s life through a phone call? Beacon Centre for the Blind runs a telephone befriending service which sees around 160 people at risk of loneliness receive a call for a chat and a catch-up each week. Some go on to befriend in person. Volunteers are matched with someone who has similar interests or life experiences and just need to be able to make a regular call to them at a time that suits both, keeping a brief log of calls made.

Telephone befriending volunteers must be able to make calls from their own devices that incur no cost to them (unlimited minutes, free landline calls etc). No experience is needed, however a polite, friendly and empathetic manner is essential. An enhanced DBS check will also be required which Beacon will arrange.

If you are able to support and make a difference with as little as 20 minutes per week, please contact or call the People team on 01902 880111 for more information.

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