Helping you to help others.

OPP OF THE DAY: Oral History Team, Top Church

Opportunity description:
There are three elements to the Oral History Project and you can be involved in one, two, or all of them!


• To complete Oral History training at Dudley Archives.
• To interview at least 2 people from the community about their memories of Top Church.
• To photograph any related documents/photos/memorabilia related to the person’s story.
• To keep the digital recording and photographs secure until you are able to pass them on to the Heritage Project team.
• To log your hours spent volunteering.


• To use transcription software to transcribe at least 2 of the interviews collected and ensure accuracy.
• To highlight any particularly engaging, interesting, or insightful elements of the story captured.
• To log your hours spent volunteering.


• To work with the wider interpretation team to use the stories and artefacts collected within the wider interpretation plan.
• To find relevant and engaging ways in which visitors to Top Church can learn from people who have attended in the past.
• To log your hours spent volunteering.

To ensure that past and present members of the congregation, and local people with memories of Top Church, will have their unique stories recorded and recognised.

To ensure the local community has a repository of oral histories to learn from.

To give visitors to Top Church the opportunity to learn about life in Dudley and at Top Church from people who actually lived and attended there, making it more relevant and engaging.

To contribute to our understanding of the story of Top Church, so that this can inform the interpretation and ongoing story.

What you will get out of it:
Develop and use skills in oral history research and contribute to both the stories of Top Church that are told through our Heritage Project, and how they are told.

The opportunity to meet and get to know new people and work as a team.

Depending on which aspect you would like to be involved in, we would be looking for someone with:
• An interest in local history and community stories
• Good interpersonal skills
• A creative approach
• Good computer and/or photography skills
• Curiosity and initiative
• Reliability
• Attention to detail

Accessibility: If you are interested in this opportunity but the volunteer role as described here means there are barriers to your ability to participate, please get in touch so we can discuss how we might adapt the role.

Katherine Poole

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