Helping you to help others.

OPP OF THE DAY – Mentor to Young Offenders, Trailblazers

To support young men (mentees) inside prison and, after their release from prison, in the community, to enable them to live responsibly and purposefully without re-offending.

Mentoring duties include:

  • Meeting with your mentee on a weekly basis in prison for up to 6 months
  • Providing intensive support immediately after your mentee’s release and remaining in contact on a weekly basis and where possible meeting with the mentee on a fortnightly basis in the community for up to 9 months after release
  • Using the structured mentoring approach that Trail-Blazers advocates by using the Tool Sets during mentoring sessions
  • Providing your mentee with emotional and practical support and encouragement
  • Ensuring that both you and your mentee are extremely clear about the boundaries of the mentoring relationship and operate within those boundaries
  • Ensuring your mentee knows about additional support services available to them and how best to utilise them and, if necessary, acting as an advocate of his behalf
  • Undertaking research into facilities and opportunities for your mentee, which may include housing, education, employment, etc.
  • Communicating with other agencies such as Probation and Youth Offending Team as and when required
  • Ensuring that there is a positive ending to the mentoring relationship – for mentee as well as self
  • Making Trail-Blazers and if necessary prison staff aware of any occasion where harm to others or harm to the mentee is either taking place, planned or suspected.
  • Completing and submitting recording sheets after each mentoring session
  • Attending and participating fully in mentoring supervision/support meetings,  training sessions and mentor group meetings
  • Identifying and communicating any needs or concerns to us in a timely and professional manner
  • Following all Trail-Blazers policies and procedures in the delivery of your role
  • Strictly abiding all prison rules and regulations

Volunteers come from all walks of life and no specific educational qualifications are required. All our mentors need to have a mature outlook on life.

However, it is essential that you:

• Can relate to young people and are committed to empowering them
• Can commit for a minimum period of 12 months
• Are punctual and reliable
• Can work closely with people from diverse backgrounds
• Are able to take a pro-active approach


Natalie Jones
Tel: 01902 533 748

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